Monday, July 25, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho....

I am back from Pilates... Not sure if i wrote about that in the last post. Pilates is awesome, but a very hard work out. It uses every muscles and strengthens your core muscles especially. I am hoping to have some very strong core muscles by the end of this year. Every time I go to Pilates it wares me out! I am now tired and just want to take a shower and go to bed and its only 7pm... I haven't even ate dinner (or got it cooking for that matter.) Mikel is taking a nap so I thought I would write on here a little bit. Anyway, I love working out and cant wait till my body is finally in shape!!!!

Today Cocoa has managed to destroy my silk flowers... at least I bought them from the dollar tree so it only cost $1. She ate all of the flowers off of the stem. :-( oh well, too late now... they are currently shredded all over the living room floor so now I have another thing to clean up....

You know what I hate? Washing dishes... every time i wash them they get dirty again within a few min... One of us gets out a clean cup or I cook or bake something.... It drives me crazy!!! LOL! Why cant dishes clean themselves... Yes, I have a dishwasher... but there are always those dishes that do not fit and also.... I hate unloading it... I dont have a problem with loading the dishwasher just unloading it... lol! there is probably something wrong with me. lol. 8-) Oh well.... Sometimes it just feels like all I do is clean that kitchen and wash dishes....

Anyway, I am going to get dinner cooking... I am making chicken leg quarters with potatoes and a broccoli, cauliflower, and carrot melody. So its off to the kitchen I go... hi ho, hi ho...

Mikel's Back

Today I got up and went to meet Mikel at his doctor to find out what is wrong with his back. His back has been hurting for the past week and this weekend it got worse. No pain meds help the pain to go away. :( Mikel has been in severe pain for the past 3days. :( The doctor said she thinks it is his muscles because he has scoliosis. The scoliosis causes muscles to be used differently and makes it easier for injury. :( So the Dr. ordered xrays and Mikel was xrayed and gave him pain patches hopefully he will begin to feel better. She also made sure his supervisor knows not to make him do too much and told me to let him rest when he is at home. Oh the doctor also told him that he needs to go to the physical therapist to help strengthen his back muscles so that they will not injure as easily. I am very worried about him because I can tell just by looking at him that he is in a lot of pain. Yesterday 90% of the day he spent laying on the couch/floor because that was the only way he could find relief from the pain. He spent very little time doing anything else. :( I am just hoping he gets better soon! I want my husband who is not injured back! I love him so much!!!! I wish I could just kiss him and make him all better!!!

Our kitten has a parasite so he is taking meds. He hates his medicine. He fought me and scratched me but he ended up taking it all. He is taking an oral medicine that I give to him via a syringe. It apparently does not taste good to the kitty. Cocoa is doing good and hasn't had any problems we are considering getting both pets microchipped just because of moving and going to new places we are afraid of them getting lost and that is one way that they can be returned to us.

On a good note, Mikel next month gets to apply for a new job. I hope he gets it. It will be doing something with computers. He really wants this job and kind of hates the one he has so it would be really nice if he got it. The only thing is that it will mean moving to wherever he is going to be trained and then once training is over moving again to wherever he is stationed. I am afraid we might have to move before this year is over... I just finally got everything put away and unpacked and now we may be moving in the next few months. :( We will be living on base if possible next time we move. That way we will have a backyard for Cocoa to play in and a house instead of an apartment. I just don't know where we will be moving to or what things are going to be like for me since I have to be in the classroom for 100hrs this semester... I am worried that we will get orders to move before then. If so, Mikel might have to move without me and then I will move as soon as I hit my hours. :/ But that's the life of a military wife. A wise person told me that plan A is only as good as plan B which is as good as plan C. You never know what may happen or where you will be going so you need to be ready for any and everything. :) I know that no matter what God is in control and that ALL things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. So everything with be ok, because I have Jesus and He is in control of everything!!!!

Anyway, thats all for now folks!